miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018


I think that the postgraduate courses are a very important in what a future employment are looking for right now, I think is always useful to know more about your career, something more focused in what you really like. It gives you a higher opportunity to work in what you are more interest and to get a job that you want.

Personally I think I want to do a postgraduate course in relation with sustainable architecture, I think is where our career is going, because the world is changing very fast and people are taking more seriously the importance of our environment. Is a very inserting subject for me to learn about. Another subject that I am interested to is a more social architecture, more related with urbanism, and very close to the previous subject to.

I would really like to study in somewhere else, I would like to go somewhere abroad. I think is very important to see different perspectives of the subject from different parts of the world. For me is a great way to expand my knowledge, and not only staying with what I have closer, I think is very important to go looking for different types of ideas.

I would love to study full time courses, but if that isn’t possible I would take some part time courses, then I would have more time for work and make some money for my own and to pay my studies.

If you can do a postgraduate courses I will say don´t think twice and do it.  Is a great opportunity for your future and if you have the chance to go somewhere else to do it much better.

                        Resultado de imagen para postgraduate courses

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018



I would like to have a job that has everything I like. I would love to work with the social area of architecture and I would love to have the opportunity to travel around the world to learn the way people live and interact in their cultures, how they use their spaces and create their cities.
I think I would like to work inside and outside; I think that always working inside is boring in the longtime so a mix of both will be good.
I would love to travel a lot; I think is a great opportunity to learn from different people and societies. And personally I enjoy traveling a lot, it always makes me happy when I know that I am going on a trip somewhere.
I hope that the salary can pay for the things I would like to have, for example the trips I want to do and all to maintain myself and my family, pay the bills and all of that.  
I am not taking any majors right now but I would like to take something related with architecture sustainability or social housing, because those are the things I want to become an expert in the future.
I also would like to have a job that will let me live in the south of Chile or in somewhere close to the beach, I like where I live but a job that let you live in the place of your dreams is what I want.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018


Today in our society we are experimenting different problems, these are all related to the way we are solving our cities and living our live in our socity. These problems are the environment change that we are creating, the pollution, global warming, bad connections, traffic, the insolation of or community and families, high life costs and many others.

In the conference that Peter Calthorpe did about the “seven principles for building cities” he talks about his ideas of urbanism and his projects to solve these problems. His idea of the future is of a city that can thrive with high population and low density, well connected and with less contamination. The seven principles of Calthorpe are; first the conservation of the natural environment, that we as a society can create limits and be more friendly with our planet, secondly create a mix between land use, different groups of people and incomes, third create more walkable spaces, were the people can be able to walk or to ride a bike to different places, fourth more connection, public transportation that can give you access to everywhere, fifth transportation that is efficient and can give ride to all the people, and finally focus to the transit in the city not only thinking in one thing but taking all the information around us.

 Public Policy & Planning

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018


Why did I choose to read the Harry Potter saga?
Who is my favorite character in the books?
What I can say about this book to other people?

In the first place a knew about Harry Potter from the movies and I was really fan of them, when i was about seven I ask to my parents for a Harry Potter book and they give me the book number seven, and it was very difficult to read for a seven years old girl, so my dad read my one chapter every night. So when I grew older, around six grade I started the books from the beginning, before the books I really liked Harry potter but after theme I was in love with theme. 
My favorite character is Hermione, one of the best friends of Harry. She is my favorite characters for many reasons, but the main are that she is a very kind person always trying to take care of her friends, she is very very smart and independent girl, who can resolve her and others problems with her bright mind. I think she is a very good role model for the young girls who are reading the book.
I can say that you need to read this fantastic book, it would change your life one hundred percent sure of that. Is a beautiful history that can transport you to a fantastic world of magic and creatures, you can be part of that whit the characters and join them in their adventures. So if you still haven’t read Harry Potter please don’t lose more time and start RIGHT NOW!

Resultado de imagen para HARRY POTTER BOOK PNG

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018


MY BEST HOLIDAYS so far were in 2015 with my family. We went to the south of Chile, to Puerto Varas and Chiloe. It was a short trip in April, so it was still very cold in those places. My Family consist in my brother Martin (18 years old), my little brother Diego (12 years old) and my mom Lily.

 We took a plane from Santiago to Puerto Montt and from there we went to Puerto Varas by car. We stayed in Puerto Varas for two days, in those days we took some trips. One of them was a boat trip to a little island. After Puerto Varas we went to Chiloe, we took the ferry, it was very exacting cause it was my first time traveling in one of those. In Chiloe we visited Ancud, Castro and Dalcahue, in the last city we stopped to eat, because the food there is great.

 It was my favorite trip so far because, it was in my country and was an opportunity to learn more about our own culture, and because it was a family trip and I love to expend my time with them.

La imagen puede contener: 4 personasLa imagen puede contener: 3 personasLa imagen puede contener: 3 personas

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018



 First, I love to travel and I have a big list of countries that i would love to go. But the one that I REALLY REALLY want to go is Japan. Japan is in my top favorite countries, the reasons why I like this country so much are many, I need to start with the culture, the culture is one of the main reasons I want to go to this country, Japan is completely different to Chile and our lifestyle.

One of the things I like from travel in general is learn new things, like people, eat different kinds of food, and see how these places work, I try to see the word from these other perspective.

Japan has beautiful places, a wonderful language and amazing people. I would like to travel to the smalls towns, because, I think they still have the essential part of their culture, the untouched part of their past.


Resultado de imagen para JAPAN small town