miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018


I think that the postgraduate courses are a very important in what a future employment are looking for right now, I think is always useful to know more about your career, something more focused in what you really like. It gives you a higher opportunity to work in what you are more interest and to get a job that you want.

Personally I think I want to do a postgraduate course in relation with sustainable architecture, I think is where our career is going, because the world is changing very fast and people are taking more seriously the importance of our environment. Is a very inserting subject for me to learn about. Another subject that I am interested to is a more social architecture, more related with urbanism, and very close to the previous subject to.

I would really like to study in somewhere else, I would like to go somewhere abroad. I think is very important to see different perspectives of the subject from different parts of the world. For me is a great way to expand my knowledge, and not only staying with what I have closer, I think is very important to go looking for different types of ideas.

I would love to study full time courses, but if that isn’t possible I would take some part time courses, then I would have more time for work and make some money for my own and to pay my studies.

If you can do a postgraduate courses I will say don´t think twice and do it.  Is a great opportunity for your future and if you have the chance to go somewhere else to do it much better.

                        Resultado de imagen para postgraduate courses